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The FineCare FIA Meter Plus is a state-of-the-art fluorescen
ADX-CHEM-220 Semi-auto Chemistry & Coagulation Anal
Agappe Mispa Clinia Plus Analyzer :- Mispa Clinia Plus is a
IR Thermometer FHC Besiter 0802 :- Multi-purpose Infrared Ba
Tubler Digital Dry Block Incubator :- Digital dry bath Heate
Finecare™ FIA Meter Ⅱ Plus SE (FIA-114) :- The analyzer is i
ALIVECOR KardiaMobile® 6 :- In just 30 seconds, KardiaMobile
Wondfo Finacre β-hCG Rapid Quantitative Test:- The Finecare
True Hb's Digital Hemoglobinometer: - The True Hb kit is a U