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RAJBIOSISPVTLTD 57f353489ec66821d8f93788 Products
ULTRA Malaria P.F/P.
ULTRA Malaria P.F/P.
In Stock
COD not available
Rapid Test by SD BIOSENSOR

ULTRA Malaria P.f/P.v Ag - Whole blood Sample Type

INR 650 In Stock
COD not available


Product details

ULTRA Malaria P.F/P.V Ag Ultra Malaria P.f/Pv is an immunochromatographic assay for the differential detection between Plasmodium falciparum Histidine-Rich Protein II (HRP II) and pLDH (plasmodium lactate dehydrogenase) specific to Plasmodium vivax in human whole blood.This test is intended for professional use,only for an initial screening and reactive specimen should be confirmed by a supplemental assay such as microscopic examination of thin blood smear.

Other Specifications

Sample Volume :3µl
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