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RAJBIOSISPVTLTD 57f353489ec66821d8f93788 Products
  • 2016-12-17T09:24:03

CoaguChek® INRange system:- CoaguChek INRange is the new connected self-testing meter that gives you the freedom to test your PT/INR at home, on the go, or wherever you happen to be. Its Bluetooth® technology allows you to wirelessly transmit PT/INR results to your healthcare provider, so you can be confident you are in your target therapeutic range and in control. Control:- Spend more time in therapeutic range and less time waiting for appointments Convenience:- It is easy to use and takes just a small drop of blood for virtually pain-free testing Fast:- Results in less than a minute. You'll know you're in range and on track By engaging in your own therapy through self-monitoring, you can spend more time in your target therapeutic range (TTR)1 and less time in the clinic1, 2. The CoaguChek INRange system makes it easy. CoagueChek Dealers Diagnostic Equipments Dealer in Rajasthan Heamtology Analyzer, Bio-chemistry Analyzer

CoaguChek® INRange system:- CoaguChek INRange is the new connected self-testing meter that gives you the freedom to test your PT/INR at home, on the go, or wherever you happen to be. Its Bluetooth® technology allows you to wirelessly transmit PT/INR results to your healthcare provider, so you can be confident you are in your target therapeutic range and in control. Control:- Spend more time in therapeutic range and less time waiting for appointments Convenience:- It is easy to use and takes just a small drop of blood for virtually pain-free testing Fast:- Results in less than a minute. You'll know you're in range and on track By engaging in your own therapy through self-monitoring, you can spend more time in your target therapeutic range (TTR)1 and less time in the clinic1, 2. The CoaguChek INRange system makes it easy. CoagueChek Dealers Diagnostic Equipments Dealer in Rajasthan Heamtology Analyzer, Bio-chemistry Analyzer

  • 2016-12-17T09:24:03

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